
Why should you trust GavelBook?

GavelBook’s fee estimates are so good that a lawyer recently called them “depressingly accurate.”  We use an expertly-designed algorithm to calculate attorney fee estimates customized to your situation.  It was designed by Chris Penza, who intimately understands how attorneys work and calculate fees, because he has practiced as an attorney in all types of firms, from the biggest in the country to solo practice. 

Why was GavelBook created?

The algorithm GavelBook uses was originally created for lawyers.  Chris Penza designed it to help lawyers set fixed fees, rather than bill by the hour.  After testing its accuracy across multiple types of legal service, Chris realized that the algorithm could be used to help legal consumers, too.

Price contains a lot of information.  Imagine how hard it would be to buy a car if Kelley BlueBook (or TrueCar) didn’t exist, and car dealerships didn’t post prices.  You might get talked into a $65,000 Cadillac, when what you really needed was a $15,000 Honda.  That’s what legal services are like without GavelBook.

We say “Legal Help Starts Here” because when you know fair prices, you can have the confidence to make informed decisions about who to hire for what service.